The following post features student writing.
Monday began our second week of work. We started the day hammering and sawing wooden beams to provide support to the veranda that we would eventually set up. After cleaning out the classrooms and preparing the walls with primer, we were put to work painting. The classrooms were complemented with an off-white shade whereas the outside wall was contrasted with a beautiful and very aesthetic shade of blue.
After a very long day of work, we were happy to come home to a deliciously cooked meal from the Mamas. Tuesday came around the corner with more painting, hammering, and sawing, and we were all pleased by the progress.
Following another long day of work, we treated ourselves to sodas, cookies, and a beautiful sunset drive where we took more pictures than necessary. The drive home was bumpy, but we were all distracted by music and the earth-shattering scenery surrounding us.
On Wednesday we spent the day painting to the beat of the music as we worked alongside a portable speaker. Two students took a trip into Arusha with Chris and the Mamas to get a sense of the culture and the central market. During the work hours, a friendly prank war was sparked between the boys and the girls…Needless to say, spirits are high!
On Thursday the crew was tasked with carrying 16 110-lb. bags of cement over 300 yards — this was certainly the most taxing task so far. The strenuous morning was followed by an afternoon of sleeping and relaxed painting. We´re all looking forward to a weekend filled with beautiful views, running water, and electricity.
Drew & Arthur